Before the prayer comes, why not I snap a few photos? lol
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Panjang sejadah tu dik? |
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Pinky winky! |
Motif sangat aku letak gambar-gambar ni? Haha...I went to Masjid Al-Rahman in Universiti Malaya and unfortunately the mosque was full. Some of us had to pray outside as usual so I did not bother at all. lol.
Persoalan 1: Yang minta sedekah
Aku tak nak komen. Tiap-tiap minggu ada and the same mak cik came for the same purpose of course. I could not judge them as easy as I want but I do feel very sad looking at their way of life. So pathetic. They brought small children along to ask for money and I seriously could not face those faces. I will feel like crying, and I started to say "Alhamdulillah" I have a better life. So why wouldn't I give them my favour?
Persoalan 2: Tak sembahyang
Bila aku fikir-fikir balik, ramai ja sahabat-sahabat kita kat luar sana yang tak sembahyang. Aku tahu, pak cik - pak cik pun ada juga kan? Sedar la ye pak cik? Jangan asyik dengan alasan-alasan penat kerja la apa la. Rumah kata pergi, kubur kata mari dah kan? Tengok budak-budak tu, kecil-kecil lagi dan pandai datang masjid. Zass sangat statement aku. lol. We bow our heads not only to show we worship The Almighty but to show the faith and our belief towards Him, the Most Gracious and Merciful.
Hope you get it...till then, that is how
8 Gossips/Comments:
rizal snap gambar ni pakai kamera besar tu ker? wah sempat lagi eaa..jeles akak tgk org bawak kamera tu psl akak takda..hehe
btw..alhamdulillah..moga jadi lelaki beriman..buleh buat calon suami ni..seb baik akak dah kawen..kikiki
Rina AVAIL a.k.a cik betty:
Tak la..pkai kamera phone je..hehe...gpun mane ade duit nk beli DSLR tu...nanti2 InsyaAllah bila dah jd cikgu rizal beli hhe
haha. dah ada org chop nak buat calon suami ni. laku la rizal lepas ni. heheh~
Ehhe..calon suami tu bdk2 tu la kak GB
biarkan mereka sentap. ntah pape ntah sembayang jumaat pun malas.
kan? pelik betul manusia sekrang
pedas2....tape biaq dowang terasa....
Kan...? Huhu...manusia zaman sekarang mmg byk mcm ni?
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