Living in campus makes me grow a lot mentally and physically . I've seen so many behaviors and things. They make me realize how life could change in a few months. When I was in high school, situations were different or I can say as easier but here in IPBA, things are harder. One of the examples is my stuffs (or people stuffs) were stolen! Laptop, wallet, PDA and phones are among the famous merchandise that have been missing without any trace.
Tapi, tak ada pula kes kecurian yang melibatkan kehilangan...
1. Seluar dalam / Underware
2. Stokin busuk/ Stinky socks
3. Laporan kesihatan / Medical report
4. Berus gigi / Toothbrush
12 Gossips/Comments:
da ok da migrain??
apple damein:
Komen yg keluar tajuk. lol. Mane awk tahu sy migrain ni? dah ok dah lepas 3x muntah n hilang ingatan kejap haha
dey, my boxer kena kebas daa
hahaha . . .i think mcm a lil bit agree with this entry . . .
ehh..ade jer kes curi undewear bg sorg yg gile s*ks...
yg lain2 tuh ade gek kes khianat2 laaa...haaa..nak menjatuhkan maruah tuan punyer..hehehe
hahaha mmg dah masuk U ni kan.. tahap mencuri die makin advance. Nak curi, gadget ajo.. tension, sbb pernah hilang hp sekali~
ahha...cantik sgt kot
Miss Secreto De Amor:
agree sikit je ke? nape?
Nurul Syuhada Bt Hasri:
kes curi underware wat mandrem ek? hehe...ada la pulak kan curi berus gigi nk anayai orang
me suya:
wahh... hp ape? mst iPhone...
rizal:ye laa..curikk berus gg biar membe tuh xleyh berus gg seminggu sebab outing hanya buleh pd sabtu ahad shj..dan toothbrush kat koperasi da abis...haha..(kes ostel),,,ngeee
Nurul Syuhada Bt Hasri:
haha...yeke? xpernah tggl kat hostel...kat campus KL ni tggl kat apartment. xthu lak psl outing2 ni hehe
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