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Stadium Hoki Kuala Lumpur. Budak-budak UniKL tengah practice. Aku pulak sambil makan Kuewteow KungFu |
Aku memang benci dengan manusia yang SUKA BUAT KEPUTUSAN SENDIRI. Okay, kadang-kadang kita perlu juga buat keputusan by ourselves in case we are dealing something personal. Yang aku panas ni bila seorang pensyarah suka buat keputusan sendiri without considering the other partners. Who is she to do so? What kind of right she has? Is she a queen? NO!
Now I have to deal with 9 TOPICS of linguistics for this coming final exam. Adoyai...The 6 topics have been tested in the assignments and tests and for that we are supposed to focus only on 3 topics for the final. However, it turned to be something stupid. Sorry if I have to say that the move made by that particular lecturer was nonsense.
P/s: Entry ni bukan sesuatu yang baik. Jangan marah kat pensyarah/cikgu korang. Sorry sangat-sangat dan aku rasa kawan-kawan aku pun bengang. Lecturers yang dua orang lagi pun tak puas hati.
Who's that lecturer? That's the secret I'll never tell.
Hope you get it...till then, that is how
14 Gossips/Comments:
Saya pun bengang!!!
sabar ye..mungkin ada hikmahnya tu..kena cover 9 topics instead of 3 mungkin sbnrnya lg mudah final exam tu..insya-allah..take it easy..gud luck!
Azham Vosovic:
Jom buat demonstrasi!
Rina AVAIL a.k.a cik betty:
Harap-harap mcm tulah kak...wish me luck okay?
sy no comment...
Huhu..I understand your anger and disappointment. But don't think too much about it lar. InsyaAllah ada hikmah. Focus on your study je. Nanti ilmu ssh nk msuk kalo hati tak tenteram.
Btw, nnti flo bagi coffee. Boleh buat teman study :)
haha. dats normal. dulu gb selalu bertekak bergaduh dgn lecturer, tapi by end of the day, bila dah habis stadi, tetibe kamceng. :D
btw, GB keje kat Taman Desa, dkt dgn midveli~
sy pon bengang jugak... huhu
ahha thanks 4 commentin
Florinta Edward:
Wahh tahnks2...xsbr nk rasa coffee sabah
Harap2 rizal j camtu gak la pas ni
Yeke...dekat je la kalo gitu ye? slalu je shopping kat sane
Miss Zati (^___^):
Bwak bersabar juga ye?
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