Friday, August 13, 2010

--> when my heart says something


when i say something
sometimes it doesn't mean anything

when i say something
sometimes it means a lot

when i say something
sometimes it reflects my feeling that moment

when i say something
sometimes it tells who am i really is


when my heart says something
it means everything all the times

when my heart says something
it reflects my true feelings that moment

when my heart says something
it tells that 'i should say this verbally"


again i can't do it all the times

again it might hurt someone i love

again it might cause you to hate me


i would like to if i could

why am writing this now?
to express my feelings?
to say 'i have feelings too'?

it's for me to know
it's for me to find out as well

Hope you get it...till then, that is how


3 Gossips/Comments:

Anonymous Best Blogger Tips said...

sometimes people just don't understand you

AfiQ Best Blogger Tips said...

lil ijai...knape ni?? got probs ke?? sabo2... (cewah..senang je suh org sabo, ak pon lebey kurang same je) hehehhe.. hey, u still got me at least... =)

trialtodelete Best Blogger Tips said...