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B. Ed TESL of International Languages Teacher Training Institute (twinning with Universiti Putra Malaysia) |
I read a few blogs which write significant entries regarding future teachers especially those who are currently in the teaching institutes around Malaysia. Some of them are teachers, some are future teachers while some are students from colleges and universities. Any stuff they have in mind to blog about, that is their personal opinion and I personally respect some of the viewpoints.
Among the hot issues discussed are;
#1 Incompetence
#2 Improper way of dressing
#3 Learn because of allowances
#4 Lack of general knowledge
#5 Poor teaching skill
#6 Tangkap muat (what?)
I know these issues will create resents and catch some serious attention from the future teachers all over Malaysia. I'm going to leave all of you to judge whether these are truly you or merely mediocre opinions by the public. Some of you will feel irked reading this but it is something that all of us need to wonder. Something like...why did they come up with such impressions and judgement? Are we good enough to be in teaching force?
p/s: Just in case you happen to disagree with these comments, do something and prove them wrong...simple right? Yeah the red words bug me...not that I feel offended but...I'M NOT A TANGKP MUAT kind of student and I'm proud to be an IPBArian.
Hope you get it...till then, that is how
43 Gossips/Comments:
As a futur teacher, i might consider all the point especially point 2 and 3...but for the last point,it seems to me ridiculous. We were interviewed what?
@ASyraff Ryu Thanks for the opinion future french teacher.
YEahh.. we were interviewed
Sorry for the spelling futur instead of french it spells like that maa..
@ASyraff Ryu haha its okay..
Im learning french too so i think i could understand that properly haha
@Azham Vsvc Exactly..
Thanks for the opinion. Yeah i read that
Wahai saudara.
Bukan saya mahu merendahkan atau berikan pandangan yang tidak baik kepada bakal guru sekarang tetapi itu yang saya nampak.
Sepupu saya merupakan pensyarah di salah sebuah IPGM dan dia juga risau akan keadaan skrg yang semakin membimbangkn. Mereka tidak serius dan hanya BELAJAR UNTUK LEPAS PEPERIKSAAN. Markah lulus adalah 40 dan mereka bangga dengan markah kelulusan yang ala kadar itu. Bila ijazah tahun pertama dan praktikal sebagainya, sememangya namapk ketidaksungguhan mereka dalam bidang ini. Hanya lantang bercakap hak-hak pelajar serta pandangan kosong sahaja.
Saudara dari IPGM Kampus Bahasa Antarabangsa kan? IPGM yang hebat. Namun, saya pernah berjumpa dengan seorang bakal guru daripada institusi tersebut yang langsung tidak menunjukkn ciri-ciri bakal guru terutamanya dari segi penampilan (gaya rambut, pakaian dan sebagainya) which was really improper.
Saya juga kelulusan luar negara ttp bukan spesifik dalam bidang TESL. Saya pernah ke satu kursus di mana menempatkn guru2 Bhsa Inggeris, Fizik, Kimia, Bio & Addmath (killer subjcts). Guru Bhasa Iggeris yang menghadiri kursus itu seperti 'lost' dan tidak mampu untuk bercakap dengan lancar. Kenapa ini berlaku? Mana silapnya latihan yang diberikan sedangkn dia merupakn 'fresh graduate'.
Itu sahaja, Puan Hajar.
@Anonymous Terima kasih puan siti hajar.
Saya akan bawa komen puan ke FB & minta pndapat rakan2 saya mengenai hal ini.
Terima kasih
not all TESL graduate encounter these problems..some of them perform very well in their academic. perhaps this is only an isolated cases..whatever it is, i guess the main problem is originated from surrounding many of us really use english as a medium of communication outside the classroom? hahah..most of them use their native language and slang to terms of the allowance given, i think it does pamper students..having thought that their fees are sponsored by the government, so they do not put much effort in their studies..that's just my two cents :)
@Nick yup3..completely agree.
Not many of us use english as the medium of conversation...ang why is that?
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera. Izinkan saya mencelah. Ya seperti yang boleh kita lihat, mmg point2 yg diberikan oleh saudara Rizal ada berlaku., Kes tangkap muat juga tidak boleh kita nafikan. Ini kerana mmg setiap kali intake, sy dapati mmg akan ada beberapa kelompok pelajar yang mampu saya katakan," Mcm mana mereka mampu lulus interview?". Mungkin dari segi penampilannya, gaya percakapannya dan sebagainya. Ya, mungkin dari segi akademik(sy mengambil kira kumpulan PISMP sbg contoh), purata gred di IPGM lebih rendah berbanding di Universiti. Namun, kita tidak harus pandang dari sudut itu semata-mata. Program PISMP sbg contoh mewajibkan dan menyediakan bakal guru yang serba boleh. Mereka didedahkan dengan BIG(bina insan guru) setiap semester, Unit beruniform. Gerko, dan lain2 demi menyediakan mereka kearah guru yang serba boleh dengan tidak hanya tahu "pegang kapur/ marker dan menulis diboard", tetapi juga boleh mengajarkan anak murid apa itu sukan, cara mengendalikan sukan dan tidak dapat dinafikan kerja2 pengkeranian(di sebahagian skolah). Pada hemat sy, utk mengatakan guru yang dikeluarkan oleh IPGM itu kurang berkualiti, mungkin boleh dikaji semula. Ya, bakal2 guru di IPGM menerima elaun dan belajar hanya utk lulus(sebahagiannya), namun kami tidak seperti mahasiswa pendidik di universiti. Mereka terpaksa bersaing dan persaingan mereka tertumpu kpd akademik(tidak semua, sebahagian shj). Kami belajar bagaimana cara utk mengajar dan menjadi guru yang serba boleh. senario di Universiti lain, di IPG lain, so usahlah bandingkan. Di universiti anda lebih bebas, kalau anda rasa ingin kembali ke alam persekolahan(lebih baik sedikit berbandg skolah), cubalah menikmati senario IPG. Memang berbeza.
Kamaruddin kairuu
Assalamualaikum and hi...
I believe what happens now can be reduce soon. As teachers supposedly, a persona who’s mature and highly positive minded intellectual. Well, I’m not jst throwing adjectives. It’s due to the challenges that education sector currently facing. With people from various walks of life, vividly comments and critics our education system saying these and that so, what’s left for us? I mean for the education itself which comprises of the students, parents, teachers, and government represented as hands, legs and brain. To develop a mature person, we needs everybody cooperation. Some studnts jst enter this profession because of their parent; seeking for secure jobs opportunity while some others take things for granted as this is their last choice for tertiary education option.
I believe that nothing REALLY terrible wrong with the system. But due to global changes, it has to be revised annually per say or else there might be a huge glitch to the outcomes. Education sector is not like business kind of thing where we have figure and we can expect the output. We are dealing with people and they do not have a perfect figure. You have to refer Blue Ocean Strategy that has been discussed to be used in the sector to enhance our understanding. By the way our passing mark is 50.
As people can support blunt accusations towards teacher trainee, they actually have to reconsider the actual atmosphere of teacher trainee institute. Well, we have niche campus where, the marking scheme is totally different and some students even burnt out before they can even graduate frm the course. Imagine if you get a high marks, you paper will be sent into second or maybe 3rd marker to check your paper and cause you to lose some marks. Do you think that the student will stay motivated afterwards? I’ll let you to ponder and answer to yourself.
As Puan Hajar mentioned ealier, belajar untuk lepas peperiksaan was already some sort of norms in Malaysian schools. And who actually caused that? So, apart from lecturer’s support, guidance and advice, the students themselves have to boost up their performance and cultivate nilai2 keguruan or Insan Guru in their hearts and minds. Barulah xlantang ckp hal pelajar lepas tu bg pndangan x kritis or atas permukaan sja. And dear fellow Malaysian and media should not bluntly accuse; they also have to develop positive atmosphere together. For example, jgn ckp org yg speaking in English kekwatlah..i know it is not knew but it happens still. Anyway, as Nick mentioned this might be an isolated cases, this is Malaysia and we always seeking for negative things because our culture, perkara baik=biasa (ignore) perkara krg elok=xbiasa (hentam, xsedar diri). It is an ugly truth of our own people. And allowance is not a major cause.
Finally, as IPBA’s student I personally took the comments positively by Puan Hajar as she claimed gaya rambut, pakaian dan sebagainya which is dan sebagainya means there’s a lot of other negatives stuff that IPBA’s students do. Anyway, Puan Hajar thanks for the comments, and we will take actions collectively abt this matter. Your comments show a great concern not only towards our educations future but also our nation ambitions.
thank you.
@Khairul Ikhwan Kamaruddin Wasalam..Terima kasih atas pandangan :)
I hope people who mentioned these issues can read your comments and realize.I'm not comparing (never)..
these are just issues mentioned by certain bloggers who are teachers, future teachers and the public.
Nice thoughts anyway... thanks alot.
@apple damein Well-said mr.
Yeahhhh! we dont have perfect figure and people cant expect things to be perfect all the time right...?
Bljr utk lulus is a norm in Malaysian context right..? I keep on wondering the truth and sometimes I did that too for certain subjects..haih..i love seeing the comment about the mentality (perkara baik igore, xbaik hentam).
Thanks for being nice to my reader Mr. A
Wow you really inspired me to write another blog post for my own elaboration regarding this matter yeah!
@Azham Vsvc Write one and I'll featured it here :)
@Azham Vsvc Hi Abg Azham. I am your junior in IPBA. Since you know me in person, I will not mention my name here. I always respect you as a senior but by reading the link about juniors, I am pretty disappointed. Y do you have to be so mean? We contribute a lot as well and your statement seems to crush all of us as a group. So u think your batch and the rest of the seniors are better than us? I dont want to be harsh but you guys are just the same like us. Did you get good greds so far? What a shame point of view. And to Rizal, thank you so much for this article. Well, I hope we all can improve our standard time to time and change the perspective. I believe that i am not the tangkap muat juga huma3
I love to read the comments here. Interactive. To solve a problem one must know the root of the problem. I don't know the root of this problem but the norm of students want to pass exams only, I agree.
I met a friend who always complained about university education system. Yet I see him one of the laziest person to attend class. Where was the root? The education system or the person himself?
For me, I look at positive side of university education system. After done my practical, now I realised that, knowledge need to be search and not just given. Learn-Apply-Share.
Maybe School of Hard Knocks is far better then normal school?
@Anonymous U r welcome.
I will get Azham to respond on this immediately.
@R.T.W We think alike.
Some people who complain about the system are the ones who are too lazy to do anything.
I really cant stand this kind of people
@R.T.W hehe. School of Hard Knocks is simply illegal in Malaysia perhaps? ehhe
@Anonymous Oh ya. Azham is one of the top scorer among the guys.. :)
Agreed with saudara Ikwan Khairuu
1)I have seen many IPG-kba students wasted their money to buy newhandphone and other things instead of buying books and materials for self developement,especially when they just get their allowances. Tapi bukan semua mcm tue,ada jugak trainee yang sanggup spent duit banyak untuk beli buku dan bahan lain untuk kegunaan masa hadapan.
2)On the other hand,perkataan tangkap muat sebenarnya tak wujud sebab interview dijalankan oleh panel-panel terlatih yang telah dilantik.Kemasukan golongan yang tak menepati piawaian ini lazimnya disebabkan oleh "sistem kabel" yang wujud di mana-mana.Kewujudan 'pintu belakang" inilah yang menyebabkan nama guru-guru pelatih semakin buruk.Jangan disebabkan seekor lembu terpalit lumpur,habis kesemuanya...happy reading ang thank you
style gambar kelas ko.hehehe pergh smart
salam and hi.
Being a teacher means being everything. Academcally, teachers are ought to have a great level of academic achievement. But let me get this straight. we are TEACHERS in MALAYSIA. We are not TEACHERS in AUSTRALIA, UK, JAPAN or even KOREA. So believe it or not, we ar already bound by the norm or rules even if you are saying we need to think out of the box and such. We should be the one who bring the best out of our student and be humble about ourselves.
Academic achievement? I'm your super duper senior and what would you feel if I've said something likethat to you Azham? We dont boast about our academic. Berkata baik, maka baiklah kamu. Berkata buruk, maka buruklah kamu. Just because others are not performing well, you despise them, make fun of them. Kalau kamu seorang yang baik, maka jadikan keadaan itu semakin baik. Bantu la junior tu. Kalo kutuk2, suma org sakit hati dan ini akan memecahbelahkan masyarakat. Cuba kalau kamu tolg mereka, ini akan membantu mereka mencapai yg terbaik dan mengeratkan lg silaturrahim (tazkirah puasa sket). Bab perangai buruk tu, we talked about it over and over again but where's the action?
I believe there are cases where students have some problems with their appearance. Wanna change them? hang out with them. be with them and advise them little by little.
Please stop such nonsense about talking bad about other. The issue here is good and discussion isimportant but what is more important is ACTION.
p/s: top scorer or not, everyone is stugggling. It is not good to despise others. live in harmony and peace.
Actually, Azham is one of the best students in our class my dear junior, so he's kinda have the right to say so himself...
Some your senior who says that they're better than you actually has their own grounding to say so as their result is commendable. So, if you really want to change the mindset of the seniors, try change it based on the littlest things, then continue by having good results.
Sincerely, from someone who also got bad grades, but try to improve himself,
@ASyraff Ryu Agree with the statement wasting their money buying handphones and stuffs.
And some who spent properly..and thats great.
Kan? I kinda feel offended by the tangkap muat words..haihh
@Edy Fee Harus lah! haha
@Anonymous Azham, i Believe u r the right person to respond on this..
Thanks for the shring and for the tazkirah senior!
@Aiman a.k.a. Rexcore Thanks Aiman..yeah he is..
Im going to improve mine too
Sya x dpt terima sesetengah isu yang dibangkitkan kt sni. Kite sebagai guru pelatih kat IPG memang didik untuk jadi guru yang baik. Even sya sendiri pun setengah mati nak belaja bukan setakat nak lulus peperiksaan tapi nak dapatkan kemahiran perguruan tu.
First of all I would like to thank both Anonymous for responding very maturely regarding this matter. Here are my comments:
1st Anon: Yes I think I know you very well so you don't have to be disappointed with my link if you are very open to critics. Trust me that I do not "attack" your whole batch because if you read that blog post very meticulously, you will see that I use the word "SOME" in my writing.
I wonder why you cannot take my comment positively because if it is a shameful point of view, it is still a point of view right? Take it as a challenge to prove me that I am wrong, that I made a mistake. I am still learning and I learn a lot from all of you but it is sad to see how you misinterpreted me.
2nd Anon: Thank you for your comments and I truly appreciate that. I do not boast my academic achievement because I am just a regular student trying to voice out what I believe to be happening. Trust me, I have heard the lecturers talk about the same thing about every batch, even mine too. I thought that if I could point this out then something would change but no. I believe that you have the experience too so perhaps we could take the effort and assist each other.
*Please, we are all students of IPG KBA and I have no intention to undermine any juniors. If anyone of you feel very offended after reading my comment and my blog post then I am sorry. Maybe the way I put my judgement in words appears to be rude, cruel and maybe it is not something that anybody would want to read. Take care and God bless, peace! ('.')
@Isabel Diaz Sy pun. AMat tak boleh terima bila sesetangah org melebelkn kita 'guru tangkap muat'
@Azham Vsvc Thank you azham for clearing this matter out :)
Hello. This is my two cents on the issue. I would keep it short so straight to the point.
- Criticism on teacher trainees: TRUE
- But does it apply to all trainees? NO!
- Let's face it, generalisation occurs everywhere. A few bad apples spoils the whole bunch.
- There are still a lot of teacher trainees who are dedicated, knowledgeable and talented.
- So what do we do about these less competent trainees? Like another anon has mentioned, give them the chance to improve WITHIN A GIVEN TIME FRAME. Every person has the right to better himself.
- But what if they DON'T improve WITHIN THE GIVEN TIME FRAME? It is regretful to do so, but the best solution is to remove them from the service. Being a teacher is a great responsibility, and if you cannot show these qualities, then you are a liability to our education system.
- Competency is not measured by good grades alone. BUT this does not mean it is OK to fail your subjects.
- Given the time, chance and the right company, bad grades can improve. I have seen it happen. But that depends on the person. You are the only person who can help yourself.
- Every senior generation tends to think they are better than the juniors, sometimes this is true, sometimes it is not. Does this apply to IPG-KBA? You decide.
- The scenario of tangkap muat DOES APPEAR in the IPG's. I believe it is not the fault of our screening system but of certain parties who manipulate the system for their own benefit. However, this is improving. I have heard recently that only top scorers have successfully passed the interview.
- Will this raise the bar on future teacher trainees? Maybe, but only if these trainees are given the subjects that they are competent in. It doesn't make sense to let a top scorer in Biology into a Seni course. It's an insult to their intelligence.
- Last advice to IPG-KBA juniors: If you feel challenged by seniors' comments, then prove yourself. Don't give up on yourself. Don't study because you were forced to. Even if you joined the teaching profession because of this or that reason, once you're in you have to do the best. Build your interest, your talents, your knowledge. Seek the help of seniors, not shy away from them. Why question others' grades when you yourself can do better?
@Anonymous Thank you so much.
U really know how to answer this issue. It hard for me to conclude all the given comments and stuffs but u made it.
Thanks a lot.
Salam and hi everyone...firstly, it tickles me reading all the comments given...i seriously dont understand why people like to make such a fuss about being labelled as 'inferior' to the other cohorts...i am a product of IPBA, and im proud of my cohort, regardless of where we stand in terms of academic achievement...i know what we are capable of, and that's d only thing that matters...dont simply let others stir your emotions with such degrading comments; take it as a challenge instead! people will still talk, no matter what you do (either bad or good), just stay calm and prove them wrong! you mould your own future, not them..regarding which cohort is d best yadaa yadaa, let the results speak for itself...and of course you guys should already know the multiple intelligences of a never judge someone based on his/her exam grades solely...but of course, if the group's results are as bad as their social behavior (contrary to the socially accepted teachers' behavior), you have the right to say something, like what Azham did...i believe he is pretty much concerned about his juniors, but maybe he was a wee bit over-the-limit when he used the term 'juniors' instead of 'certain groups'..i think that would hv been more appropriate..but again, when you come to think of it, it's actually a positive reminder from ur seniors who really care about your future...even I myself was shocked to see the dressings of my dear sisters and brothers when i was in my final year...this of course does not apply to all, but certainly it did bring a negative connotation of the whole me, it is partly IPBA's fault...when you dont apply the rules of Islam to your Muslim students, this is what happens..just to name a few: students could roam freely between genders, allowing them to wear shorts and tights,too much entertainment provided (talent time etc)... yes, english should be fun, but there's always a limit..why cant it be used in more academic and spiritual events such as having a Muslim English-language speaker give a talk? students are still LEARNING the english language that way, and at the same time moral values are inculcated...ini tidak, all i could see was excessive modern dances, songs, bands, and all those so called 'Good for your English' stuffs..then what about the students' manners and values as future teachers? the best training for us, to me, was just having to wear formal attires going to class..that's it..physically, not mentally nor spiritually...nonethelss, it still depends on us, of what we want to become and achieve in life...i am now in the teaching profession, and i would like to strongly urge my dear brothers and sisters, no matter which cohort you are from, please by all means change the bad attitudes that we teacher trainees often portray...yes, i was once in your shoes and i know what are the do's and don'ts me, if you dont change now, you will have some trouble when you go into the real's either you who cause the trouble, or you unconsciously train your students to become trouble-makers...i think i've said enough..happy Ramadhan to all and God bless..salam
@Anonymous Thanks you so much senior.
Again, u summarize everything like another senior..
Thanks you so much
@Anonymous and salam ramadhan to u too!
Hello everyone
First of all, after reading Rizal's post, It make me think deeply about the problems that faced by Malaysian education systems just because of the teacher. Later on, I scroll down and read everyone's opinion and read one of the anonymous commentter which happens to be a junior in IPBA.
Now my reply is for you. I guess I can give you the answers and explanation for your comment too.
First of all, Azham link did not state that his batch or his senior is better than the junior in anyway.
Sorry to say, I have seen those junior's in IPG-KBA and to be more frank only some of them are fit to be a teacher as they are following the teacher ethical dressing code.
It's really disheartening to see some of the future teacher are having colourful hairs and long finger nails. Future Male teacher pierce their ears and wearing earing like woman in sense of fashion? Are they in the code etika pemakaian perguruan?
Some big sized girls normally non muslims are wearing sleeveless and tight formal attire till we can all their extra wobbly fats and is this the right way of dressing up?
Certainly no!!!
Let me talk about the education side of IPG KBA Junior. During the foundation arena of the batch 2009, There is no failure's either during mock exams or finals. However,starting from the batch 2010, there are so many failures. This is clear fact with right evidence! So, how can you condemn senior's in another way?
Well this is one of my friendly advice to my dearest junior batch. As a junior, you guys should accept each and every critiques from senior and should improvise on it and prove it to us that you guys are better instead of firing back to us. The secret of our batch success is because when we were junior's we took each and every critiques from our senior to improvise ourselves.
Try to correct all the flaws that you have and trust me, there won't be any critiques but praise.
Thank you
@Anonymous Thanks anon..
Really appreciate ur comment :)
Thanks for standing up and clarify everything in such smooth and motivating way!
wow wow wow... what do we have here... keyboard warriors!
the best part is.. its between the Seniors & Juniors in IPG-KBA... haih.. 1 IPBA pon nk condemn each other ? tu la sifat manusia, x boleyh nk tgk org up ckt dari dia.. ade je...
btw,, from what i can see, all these comments mostly are from the Professional(teaching) team.. when we talk about professionalism, by all means professional.. we don't consider anon as pro.. identified urself la saudara :)
Y? afraid of being judged if we know u ? stories about u? hew3...
my view? anon ni same je mcm
baling batu,, sembunyi tgn..
or kasar ckt,,,
berak tapi x flush.. :)
peace yo... :)
@Aisy Ishvan Maybe they are afraid of the intimidation of the ipbarians? who knows..? hehe
You know who some of them like to drag eveything on facebook and even in IPBA page lol
amboi kasar kat situ ye hhe
Thanks E!
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