Ingat tak entry tentang Kpop Melayu 24:7? Kali ni Gula-Gula pulak. Memang terbaik la. haha. I heard these girls are trying to be Malaysian Wondergirls or SNSD. I know they will never be. Seriously the dressing is irritating. People may say, "Dengar la dulu produk diorang macam mana, lepas tu baru judge", but I just cannot. The fact is that, the group page Anti Gula-Gula is getting more and more 'likers' lol
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'COMELnyewwwwwwww kaki mereka |
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Girls Generation lagi sopan, lagi kurus, lagi teratur, eh motif? |
And these are among the comments taken from the anti-page. Have a look peeps! They're awesomely funny. And you can have more on this by checking the page. Don't forget ya. Click aje...
- I'm not a hater, but I do hate this group, how irony is that huh?
- Malay girls out there, please wear something appropriate, this isn't a good example indeed
- How will they survive in the entertainment industry since everybody is starting to hate them. Will their records be sold?
- Just an opinion; be original and get real. Siti Nurhaliza & Yuna boleh je berjaya dengan pakaian sopan, bakat dan publisiti mahalan. Tak gitu? haha
- Feels like celebrities' blog pulak
Hope you get it...till then, that is how
24 Gossips/Comments:
ewww....dahlah gemuk! peha berselulit! ada hati nak tunjuk kat orang! tak malu ke? agama Islam, perangai kalah bukan Islam...
@Amalina Sulaiman Gitu cik malina dah marah haha
lumrah alam kann,semau bnd org nk ikut.smpi bile nk jd mcm ni,kann
macam-macam la nak popular..haha :D
@amir aizat KAn..? Ntah pape jugak diorang semua
huhuhuhu..like2.. aigo.. at least kpop asli ni muka licin.. xpyh mekap tebal2.. ni malaysian nk jd kpop?? cm pompuan pub pun adaa..
hmmmmm.....wat else i cn say here????
wow malaysia boleh ! *mcm shit je aku tgk.
haha..lawak jer...kpop wannabe la kot..kalo sangat talented+ full package cam snsd & wonder girl..x perla nak copy paste jer..x der originality langsung..last2..jadila cam ni
oh my. haha.. kalau panggil hooker boleh tak cikgu?
aduhai..gadis melayu ke semua tu? nk k-pop sgt lah tu kut..tak kekal lamalah diaorang nih..takda originality..
thnx for the blogpost LOL
macam2 lah industri zaman sekarang -.-
*teringin gak nak dengar lagu2 derank* nak tambah point hating the group LOL
@aEvOeCaEdOe Perempuan pub? Yezz setuju!
@kiwiSetuju sangat!
@niesasukasuki Boleh tiru je la..haha
@.:AiN iKeUchi:. Betul2...copy & paste sangat...gpun latihan entah cukup ke tdk huhu
@Inche Vampire Haha..mcm kasar je inche vampire
@Rina AVAIL a.k.a cik betty Ye kak, gadis melayu...harap2 xkekal so diorg boleh buat bnda yg lebih bermanfaat
@adiratnashee haha...kita dengar & kita judge...tgk suara mcm macam, boleh jual ke boleh blah haha
@syrupmasin Macam2 nk popular, pastu imej serabut bagai
asyik2 nak meniru artis luar.. tak paham betul
@FH Kan? artis mlaysia pun byk yg berkualiti
haha...bila dri jauh muka 2 nmpk ok lh bila zoom,hmm,mcm..phm2 lah,..hai,org korea 2,muka awet muda,yg ni,AWET TUA!!SEDAR DIRI 2 SIKIT,..BAIK BUBAR KN JEW,..WAT MALU KT MALAYSIA JEW,..INGAT!KORANG TU ISLAM!!@aEvOeCaEdOe
@patricia ivy Bubar! Bubar! hehe
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