Saturday, February 26, 2011

--> Renaissance...Jatuhkan Empayar Islam


In conjunction to the entry Have You Forgotten? / Adakah Kau Lupa?, I feel like sharing this interesting fact with all of you. Keluar sikit dari tajuk perbincangan, I can't close my eyes now and it's 2.10 in the morning. Allah...please make me sleep for a while.

Oh ya! Back to the topic.

Zaman Renaissance memang dahsyat. Ianya merupakan satu sempadan antara zaman kegelapan dan pencerahan di Eropah. Lahirnya ahli-ahli falsafah, pelukis, dan penulis yang bukan calang-calang kebijaksaannya. Plato, Michael Angelo, Leonardo DaVinci (kenal tak? ala...Monalisa tu hehedan ramai lagi. macam-macam statu dinaikkan dan sebahagian besarnya adalah arca manusia yang bogel. Mampu sangat kan? lol

During this era, they were left behind in term of politics, economy, and social. Baghdad was the only place to seek for the knowledge and most of the intelligent went there to get the whole idea what was exactly happening to the Muslims world. And of course, they took most of the knowledge and built up their legacy with different perspective. See what is happening to us today? We are using the knowledge which are so called their invention. 

Waktu kerajaan Abbasiyyah jatuh, ilmuan-ilmuan Eropah dah sedia untuk melancarkan fahaman baru yang mereka perolehi daripada tokoh-tokoh ilmuan Islam. Lepas itu, yang sekarang kita bangga-banggakan mereka sebenarnya adalah hak mutlak bijak pandai Islam yang terdahulu. Kita harus bangga tau! Zaman ini juga amat menekankan tentang hal-hal humanisme, semangat inkuiri (ingin tahu), indivudualisme dan pendidikan begitu diutamakan. Masalahnya waktu itu adalah keadaan empayar Islam yang amat kuat sehinggakan mereka lalai kerana sudah berada di takuk yang terlalu selesa.

We need to shift our paradigm people. Muslims throughout the world are working on getting back our superior time and we have to work on it as well. As stated in Al-Quran, Islam will win eventually but it doesn't mean it will come by itself - we have to make our move to get it. Islam is not a miracle religion that can rise by its own, it need us, the Muslims to lift up the spirit to the peak. There are so many things have been shifted wrongly by the Renaissance's warriors. Education and social are the apparent issue. For example, human right. They allow homosexual to get married. Yes, it is human right but still, we are not suppose to disobey the rules. Remember what happened to the people during Prophet Lut's time?  

P/s: Siapa la kita untuk bermadah berhelah...cheeewaaaahhh. Akan tetapi, semoga perkongsian ini membawa seribu makna. Allah itu maha berkuasa lagi tiada tandingannya. Tanpa cinta kita terhadapNya, Dia akan tetap di sana, namun tanpa cintaNya, kita adalah bagai layang-layang terputus talinya. Sekian.

Isn't this nice?

Hope you get it...till then, that is how


2 Gossips/Comments:

Elle Who? Best Blogger Tips said...

ko pergi prog ISK ni katne?

trialtodelete Best Blogger Tips said...

Amalina Sulaiman:
kat IPBA je...usrah senior2..rmai gak aritu kat DKA